
Good Food On A Tight Budget

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $3.00.

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Introducing … Good Food On A Tight Budget …

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Brief Note:

Want to fill your plate with tasty, healthy foods that won\’t break your budget?

Good Food on a Tight Budget is the first book of its kind. It has a list of foods that are healthy, cheap, and good for the environment.

The health experts at Environmental Working Group chose them after looking closely at polls and tests done by the government on almost 1,200 foods.

Our food lists (page 6), shopping lists (page 29), meal planners (page 30), and price trackers (page 31) are all made to help you save time and money.

Our top choices are based on how much food costs on average. Find out where the best deals are.

Mixing things up is good for your health and happiness.

Our lists are a good place to start, but you should also try other cheap foods, especially those in the fruit and veggie sections.


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